You have a patient that is scheduled with your hygieneist and your dentist in the same day.Your hygieneist does perio charting and discusses perio disease in depth with the patient. The patient then sees the dentist for there appointment and he does panoramic film and a complete comprehensive dental exam.Can you charge D0180 and D0150 at the same visit<

  • Ask the Coder
  • You have a patient that is scheduled with your hygieneist and your dentist in the same day.Your hygieneist does perio charting and discusses perio disease in depth with the patient. The patient then sees the dentist for there appointment and he does panoramic film and a complete comprehensive dental exam.Can you charge D0180 and D0150 at the same visit<

You have a patient that is scheduled with your hygieneist and your dentist in the same day.Your hygieneist does perio charting and discusses perio disease in depth with the patient. The patient then sees the dentist for there appointment and he does panoramic film and a complete comprehensive dental exam.Can you charge D0180 and D0150 at the same visit<

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Asked on October 27, 2011
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Answers (1)

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No, you may charge one or the other but not both.

Marked as spam
Answered on October 28, 2011
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