When the doctor performs a root canal through a porcelain crown(already previously fabricated/placed), what does he code “building back up” the tooth as since it’s not for restoration retention? Or is it included int he RCT code. Thanks.

  • Ask the Coder
  • When the doctor performs a root canal through a porcelain crown(already previously fabricated/placed), what does he code "building back up" the tooth as since it's not for restoration retention? Or is it included int he RCT code. Thanks.

When the doctor performs a root canal through a porcelain crown(already previously fabricated/placed), what does he code “building back up” the tooth as since it’s not for restoration retention? Or is it included int he RCT code. Thanks.

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Asked on December 19, 2013
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Answers (1)

Private answer

The most appropriate code would be D2999 (unspecified restorative procedure) make sure to add a short narraitive to support your code.

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Answered on December 20, 2013
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