What is the correct way to bill caries as a medical condition? My Boss asked me that question just to make sure that i will not sleep at night :)He also mentioned: “For example when it leads to medical problems like malnutrition, speech, swallowing, digestion, problems like obesity or dystrophy.Please help, need ASP!

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  • What is the correct way to bill caries as a medical condition? My Boss asked me that question just to make sure that i will not sleep at night :)He also mentioned: "For example when it leads to medical problems like malnutrition, speech, swallowing, digestion, problems like obesity or dystrophy.Please help, need ASP!

What is the correct way to bill caries as a medical condition? My Boss asked me that question just to make sure that i will not sleep at night :)He also mentioned: “For example when it leads to medical problems like malnutrition, speech, swallowing, digestion, problems like obesity or dystrophy.Please help, need ASP!

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Asked on February 16, 2014
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Answers (1)

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You will need to append the correct ICD-9-CM codes to the claim to prove "medical necessity" and therefore bill out as a medical condition...your diagnosis codes tell the story. It tells "why" a procedure needs to be preformed and it proves "medical necessity".

For example: patient has gross carries and is unable to eat causing moderate malnutrition. The correct ICD-9-CM codes would be 521.09(gross carries) and, 263.0 (moderate malnutrition).

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Answered on February 17, 2014
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