WHat is the correct dental billing code for an intraoral scan.Ask the CoderWHat is the correct dental billing code for an intraoral scan.WHat is the correct dental billing code for an intraoral scan. « Back to Previous Page Answer Question Tweet ▲0 ▼ ♥ 0 Marked as spamAsked on January 31, 2017140 viewsFollowUnfollowReport spam Add comment Anonymous comment CancelAnswers (1) ▲-1 ▼✔ Private answerPlease be more specific in your question, as there is no current code for intraoral scan. What type of scan and why is it being preformed? Example intraoral cancer scan/screening ?Marked as spamAnswered on February 1, 2017Report spam Add comment Anonymous comment Cancel « Back to Previous Page Post your AnswerAttach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: [https://youtu.be/Zkdf3kaso] Notify me of follow