What are the corresponding CPT medical codes for: D1206 and D1208 and D0145?Thank you

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  • What are the corresponding CPT medical codes for: D1206 and D1208 and D0145?Thank you

What are the corresponding CPT medical codes for: D1206 and D1208 and D0145?Thank you

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Asked on September 24, 2013
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Answers (1)

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There is no medical code for D1206 (topical application of fluoride varnish) or D1208 (topical application of fluoride) as this is not a covered medical expense.

Depending on the documentation provided an appropriate crosscode for D0145 (exam child under 3 years) would be 99201-99202 for new patient and 99212-99213 for estabilished patient.

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Answered on September 25, 2013
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