We recently got an oral surgeon in our dental practice. Some insurance require that you bill the medical carrier first. The codes that I am dealing with are D9220 (General Anes/30 minutes), D9221 (General Anes/Add 15 min), D7230 (Rem imp tooth – part bony) x 2 teeth , D7240 (Rem imp tooth comp bony) x 2 teeth. What codes do I need to submit on the CMS-1500 form that I am to send to the medical carrier? Thank you.

  • Ask the Coder
  • We recently got an oral surgeon in our dental practice. Some insurance require that you bill the medical carrier first. The codes that I am dealing with are D9220 (General Anes/30 minutes), D9221 (General Anes/Add 15 min), D7230 (Rem imp tooth - part bony) x 2 teeth , D7240 (Rem imp tooth comp bony) x 2 teeth. What codes do I need to submit on the CMS-1500 form that I am to send to the medical carrier? Thank you.

We recently got an oral surgeon in our dental practice. Some insurance require that you bill the medical carrier first. The codes that I am dealing with are D9220 (General Anes/30 minutes), D9221 (General Anes/Add 15 min), D7230 (Rem imp tooth – part bony) x 2 teeth , D7240 (Rem imp tooth comp bony) x 2 teeth. What codes do I need to submit on the CMS-1500 form that I am to send to the medical carrier? Thank you.

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Asked on August 1, 2013
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Answers (1)

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CPT code 00170 will replace D9220 and D9221...it is billed out in units (15 minutes = 1 unit).

CPT code 41899 will replace D7230 and D7240...in box 19 of the CMS 1500 form you will put the following (Teeth involved D7230 #1 & 16 D7240 #17 & 32 or whatever tooth number they are...)

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Answered on August 2, 2013
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