We are a pediatric dental office and at times doctor treats patients in an OR hospital setting (out-pt) when necessary. He performed multiple extractions under code D7140 (Extraction Erupted Tooth EXR). Is there an equivalent CPT code that can be billed to the pt’s medical insurance first or should I simply bill dental? Thank you, -Shellea

  • Ask the Coder
  • We are a pediatric dental office and at times doctor treats patients in an OR hospital setting (out-pt) when necessary. He performed multiple extractions under code D7140 (Extraction Erupted Tooth EXR). Is there an equivalent CPT code that can be billed to the pt's medical insurance first or should I simply bill dental? Thank you, -Shellea

We are a pediatric dental office and at times doctor treats patients in an OR hospital setting (out-pt) when necessary. He performed multiple extractions under code D7140 (Extraction Erupted Tooth EXR). Is there an equivalent CPT code that can be billed to the pt’s medical insurance first or should I simply bill dental? Thank you, -Shellea

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Asked on January 14, 2013
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Answers (1)

Private answer

Simple extractions D7140 are usually not covered by the medical carrier uless it is due to trauma, injury, or there are more than 7 consecutive teeth in a row. If this is the case you would use CPT code 41899 and send a short narrative along with the claim explaining the circumstances.

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Answered on January 15, 2013
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