Ask the Coder (529) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer47views Can I code for a 4 or more teeth for periodontal osseous surgery if the actual teeth with pockets are only 3 but extends between 4 or more teeth? For example teeth with 5 mm pockets are #'s 17, 18, 24. Would this be considered 4 or more teeth since the surgeon would need to access over 4 teeth to effectively perform the surgery?1answer48views If the doctor trims some healthy gum tissue to give a crown or bridge more tooth to adhere to, what gingivectomy type code should we use? Thank you.1answer73views If a patient wants a crown fabricated at a lab that is more expensive than the lab usually used for a better cosmetic outcome- can I balance bill the patient for the amount that is not covered by her dental insurance?1answer53views What can be done when two insurances are claiming to be secondary? I have called numerous times to both insurance companies and neither wants to budge, I have had the subscriber call and is getting the same result. Any suggestion welcome1answer51views I have a dentist that would like all new patients to receive a D1110 before exam and x-rays are taken or perio charted. Our concern is that if after patient has exam and x-ray and perio chart, patient needs D4341/ D4342 wouldnt it be questionable one why did a D1110. I have told her about D4355 but refuses to use code stating patients dont need D4355.We have 5 dentist in total 4 disagree with her, so now its has fallen on me , stating that it is an insurnace issue. As far as I am concern we dont let insurance dictate treatment but again how do we justify a doing a D1110 and a week later D4341/D4342.1answer30views I have a question, I work for a Endodontist and Dr. wants to start billing for a 6 month check up how would I bill that?1answer69views Can biller make a correction in Doctor's note? For an example: patient is 20+ year old. Medicaid does not pay for Fluoride Treatment. It is not in charges but dentist put in his note fluoride was done. It was put in in error. Can Biller make a correction that fluoride was not done?1answer50views I work for a general dental office, but we have a traveling oral surgery dentist that works in our office every other week. I wanted to know if a patient came in with wisdom teeth issues and the general dentist took a panorex x-ray and did an exam would they code the visit as a D0160 – Detailed exam and D0330 – panoramic film. If so, what would the specialist code for the exam they have to perform.If the specialist does the exam and performs the procedure the same day, would they be able to charge an exam fee or consultation fee?1answer76views Hello,I would like to know if the dentist states that he performed D9971 on teeth #8 and #9 do you charge the code D9971 one time for both teeth involved or per tooth? Thank you! Have a nice holiday.2answers9286views My patient needs an old crown removed. After we remove the crown we will remove the decay present under the old crown and then place a new crown. What CDT code should I use for the removal of the old crown? « Previous 1 … 45 46 47 48 49 … 53 Next » Ask a Question