Ask the Coder (530) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer893views Does the code D2751 Crown – Porcelain fused to predominantly base metal (or any crown material code) mean only the physical crown itself (like, the part I can place in my hand)? Or does that code also include the crown prep? (anesthesia, removal of decay, buildup for crown retention)1answer22views If the doctor has a tooth with a large amount of decay (or a big leaky filling, etc) and once the decay/filling/etc. is removed - the tooth no longer has enough structure to support a crown and the doctor uses material to "build" the tooth back up... shouldn't this be filed as D2950 Core Buildup, Including Any Pins in addition to the crown code?1answer52views Are you able to bill a D7450 and D7250 together?1answer563views When the doctor performs a root canal (D3330) through an existing crown, when filling the tooth back up to re-conform tooth strength, is there another code we should be using (such as a buildup D2950) for this fill or would it be included in the root canal code (D3330)?1answer44views the 72hrs to complete the cdc-a exam is when the actual test is started or when we register?1answer50views I have a billing question regarding sealants. If someone made a mistake and billed out as a sealant and not a preventive resin, and a denial eob was recieved, are we still able to fix the ledger and re-bill for preventive resin?If so, what is the code for preventive resin?Thank you!1answer163views Can we bill codes D2950 and D2952 on the same day of service?1answer32views When we bring a patient back in after placement of Arestin, to have the Hygienist check to see if the tissues have improved - what would that be coded as? Thank you.1answer80views What codes are other dental offices using for Halcion, Vistaril or Versed pre-meds? I work in a pediatric dental office and am trying to find a good code for that. Has anyone used D9248?Also has anyone used D9971 for enameloplasty? B/c technically odontoplasty is the same as enameloplasty?I appreciate any feedback! Thank you!1answer50views Do we use 87207, 87209 for Medical code for swab biopsy of palate or buccal cavity? « Previous 1 … 41 42 43 44 45 … 53 Next » Ask a Question