Ask the Coder (529) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion3answers15229views what is the difference between dental codes D4266 and D79560answers134views What is the code for uprighting a tooth surgically?1answer342views No treatment performed office visit1answer75views No treatment Office visit0answers128views Can anyone a CDT code for “Facility Fee” reimbursement under ADA compliance standards?1answer194views Can you use a D0145 then chg a D0120 and then a D0150 when they turn 3 yrs old0answers154views What area/tooth should be reported when billing d1517?0answers181views What is the appropriate code for removal of a mandibular tori fragment?1answer124views I am trying to find the code for Exam with prophylaxis with no abnormal findings,1answer306views code D7470 « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 53 Next » Ask a Question