Ask the Coder (530) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer595views Re-Sub: I work in a pediatric dental office. If a child was initially seen (first visit ever) at our office and is 1 year old and we code out D0145 (Oral Evaluation, pt under 3 yrs), when they return in 6 months for a recall visit- would it be more appropriate to charge out the D0145 again or the D0120 (Periodic Oral Evaluation)? Is the D0145 code only for patient's under 3 at their initial visit? More specifically- If a child is under age 3 and started seeing us at age 1 year - do we keep billing out the D0145 until they are 3 at every 6 month recall? Thank you for your time. '1answer88views if two occlusal images were done on the same day, one for the top and one of the bottom. Would we bill this out with D0240 x 2? or would we bill D0240 on separate lines?1answer62views I work in a pediatric dental office. If a child was initially seen (first visit ever) at our office and we code out D0145 (Oral Evaluation, pt under 3 yrs), when they return in 6 months for a recall visit- would it be more appropriate to charge out the D0145 again or the D0120 (Periodic Oral Evaluation)? Is the D0145 code only for patient's under 3 at their initial visit? Thank you for your time.1answer32views What services are able to be billed for a hygienist only. This is if the dentist is on call and not in the physical office. Also, who would be used as the billing resource?1answer285views I need to know what CPT code can be used when an OMS provider is testing for pulp vitality using the cold method. I know the CDT code is D046 but what is the compatible code in CPT?1answer30views Patient has wisdom teeth surgery. Four days later comes in with dry socket and is treated for this. Four days after the dry socket treatment is seen for follow up by surgeon. What is appropriate to bill for the dry socket treatment as well as the follow up to the treatment?1answer33views > I was wondering if there was any standard set in place for acceptable > periodontal charting. We frequently receive claims for periodontal > work but the charting to support the services is well over 1 year old.1answer66views Do the implant services codes include the implant themselves, or is the code just for the procedure?( Codes D6000-D6199).1answer49views Is there a guideline as to what can/cannot be billed for pre-op/follow up visits for oral surgery procedures? I am looking at 3rds, bone grafting, implants type procedures.1answer56views I have a pt that was involvedin an accident - he came in today for ext's, implant placement & bone grafts - the codes used are D7210, D6104 & D6010 - what are the codes I should be using to file with the pt's Medical carrier? « Previous 1 … 31 32 33 34 35 … 53 Next » Ask a Question