Ask the Coder (524) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer1986views Is the correct code to recement a 3 unit bridge D6930?1answer42views A patient was scheduled for treatment with a general dentist but a referral was given instead to a pediatric dentist for sedation. OHC and diet were discussed during the office visit, but the notes do not indicate any procedures being completed or attempted. Would this be a correct usage of D9310? Or should another code be used instead? Thank you.1answer98views I have run across a claim with only D0460 being billed. The patient was seen for a tooth ache with sensitivity to hot food/liquids. The chart notes state that the soft tissue exam showed tissue was WNL. My question is should I be billing for an exam such as D0140 and consider the D0460 as part of the exam? Or do I bill for both D0140 and D0460 since an exam must have occurred? Or is there something else I should be doing? Thank you for your help.1answer41views I wanted to know if you have a location where you share what documentation requirements are needed to support the billing of all new CDT 2014 codes. For example D0601-D0603?2answers2488views What is the difference between D9910 and D9911? Is there any supporting documentation typically required for submitting either code?1answer303views If 4 bitewings and 3 pa-s are taken on the same visit, is this the right coding: D0274-D0220-2xD0230? A Billing Auditor pointed out today, the proper coding would be D0230 used 3 times. His explanation was: bitewings are considered as first radiographic images, so D0274 and 3xD0230 would be the proper way to bill. Our office believes the right way of coding is: D0274-D0220-2xD0230 Please help us with a brief explanation which way is the proper way to code.1answer594views What ADA code should I tell the Drs to use when they do an RCT and need to use MTAD irrigation is the D9610 appropriate can the Drs charge accordingly for the medication1answer50views I am trying to bill Medical for decalcification of teeth # 7,8,10,18 - Dr. wrote it has soft enamel gave them surface of DFL - but the teeth show no cavity just soft enamel . I'm trying to get this paid because the child is 16yrs of age and no financial support. how can I bill this ???1answer82views What code can I use for billing decalcified teeth1answer28views We are a multi-provider office and there are occasions that one of our dentists refers to another dentist within our practice. Many times an inter-office referral is able to be determined by looking at the X-Ray and the patient's dental record and then the patient is scheduled accordingly. Sometimes however, the dentist that will be taking on the proposed treatment will need to see the patient to clinically evaluate the area before the treatment is scheduled. What code could the dentist use to evaluate proposed treatment to determine if they are able to perform the treatment in question? « Previous 1 … 27 28 29 30 31 … 53 Next » Ask a Question