Ask the Coder (526) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer128views what is the difference between codes 0140 and 9910? and when can we bill for either? thank you!!1answer30views Can you tell me how many new dental ADA codes will require ICD 9 or ICD 10 if you are a General Dentist?1answer192views I need a CPT code for D6059 and D6057 please.2answers192views Can you please tell me the correct code for Arestin, Peridex and Fluoridex1answer305views I currently contract with an office that recently filed a claim for procedure code D4211 gingivectomy. Delta Dental denied claim because gums had SRP'S done earlier this year. I saw that gingivectomy has other codes assoicated with it one being D4212 which I think is coded when procedure is done to remove gum tissue for a restoration. Do you think they can use that code or was the correct code used since they had perio treatment done earlier this year?1answer74views Hi, we billed a D2394 for #28 for surfaces MODB and claim was denied for invalid surfaces. The CDT does not specify what surfaces are billable with this code. Is there a way to know which surfaces are valid for D2394?1answer45views I work in a multi provider office. If one of our dentists refers to another dentist inside our organization for treatment such as a crown or Root canal treatment and a consultation is necessary to determine if the dentist can perform the treatment, what code do I use? This would mean that the dentist that is possible agreeing to perform the treatment wishes to clinically exam the area before scheduling the treatment. Does a code exist for this type of exam?1answer58views If a patient was present in our office for a problem focused exam D0140 and it is diagnosed that they have infection and need to return for an extraction or have a RCT performed in another office. They had not done either treatment and returned one month later with infection again with pain in the same tooth. What code should be used for the second visit? No treatment was able to be performed on either visit due to extensive infection and the need for antibiotic treatment prior to extraction or RCT.1answer325views What would be the correct code for a first time patient under the age of three? I think it is D0145, but unsure if D0150 is an option? This would be the first exam in our office and the patient is not in pain.1answer59views doctor does the following: two samples were procured with separate 2.0mm biopsy punches. A local was also used. Medical codes are 11100 and 11101 and transfer to D7286. Do I charge this code twice for each biopsy? « Previous 1 … 24 25 26 27 28 … 53 Next » Ask a Question