Ask the Coder (530) All questionsAnswered questionsUnanswered questions > Sort by date: AnswersViewsQuestion1answer61views PANO D0330 is taken for denture procedures. And no teeth exist. Could the code still claim out?1answer45views I was advised that our dental hygienist cannot diagnose a patient but in ICD10, if a patient comes in for a prophy, should they use the two following diagnosis? If so, if the abnormal dental cleaning is used, the hygienist would have to add the abnormal diagnosis. At this point, does the dental provider have to add an addendum stating the abnormality? What is required?Dental cleaning Z01.20 Dental cleaning with abnormal finding Z01.211answer38views Is the CDC certification exam using ICD10 or ICd9?1answer48views Where can I find information regarding how we charge out the insurance companies, if we were running a $78.00 special for Comp Exam, FMX, Prophy? I need to find out if I should be writing off the balance on the accounts, IF insurance pays @ least the $78.00. We are in Louisiana - Jefferson Parish.1answer179views Can you bill for a 4342 for tooth #3 and 4341 of the upper right quad on the same day?1answer57views When is the correct time to bill for a pfm crown, at the prep apt or the seating?1answer64views Now that ICD10 has been implemented. I have a question about who is allowed to assign diagnosis codes, specifically hygienists are they allowed to assign diagnosis codes?1answer29views should you bill medical insurance if a patient was referred to dental office for clearance before a medical procedure.1answer447views We have recently learned about the Dr. Chao Pinhole Technique Perio treatment and was curious if you knew which CDT code is best suited for insurance billing. Thank you in advance for your assistance.1answer45views I received my certification for CDC. Does this include being certified biller? Please let me know thanks so very much. Valorie T. « Previous 1 … 19 20 21 22 23 … 53 Next » Ask a Question