Need the following medical codes & descriptions and any narratives that may apply:1) Tapp applicance reguarding sleep apnea not a CPAP appliance2) Code for a pt that fell & broke her bridge3) Pano or full mouth x-ray4) TMJ5) Visolite (oral cancer screening)6) Exam for injury7) Pa ( single x-ray)8) Sedation (oral)9) Nitrous Oxide10) Frenulectomy11) GingivectomyReceipt No: 0060-3277-6206-5138Gina

  • Ask the Coder
  • Need the following medical codes & descriptions and any narratives that may apply:1) Tapp applicance reguarding sleep apnea not a CPAP appliance2) Code for a pt that fell & broke her bridge3) Pano or full mouth x-ray4) TMJ5) Visolite (oral cancer screening)6) Exam for injury7) Pa ( single x-ray)8) Sedation (oral)9) Nitrous Oxide10) Frenulectomy11) GingivectomyReceipt No: 0060-3277-6206-5138Gina

Need the following medical codes & descriptions and any narratives that may apply:1) Tapp applicance reguarding sleep apnea not a CPAP appliance2) Code for a pt that fell & broke her bridge3) Pano or full mouth x-ray4) TMJ5) Visolite (oral cancer screening)6) Exam for injury7) Pa ( single x-ray)8) Sedation (oral)9) Nitrous Oxide10) Frenulectomy11) GingivectomyReceipt No: 0060-3277-6206-5138Gina

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Asked on March 22, 2011
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Answers (1)

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1) Tapp appliance 21089 for appliance and 99002 for handeling must have a narrative accompany claim.

2) New patient code range 99201-99204 Established patient code range 99212-99214

3) Panorex 70355 Full mouth 70320

4) TMJ what procedure?

5) No cross code available use exam code New 99201 established 99212

6) New patient code range 99201-99204 Established patient code range 99212-99214

7) Single PA 70300

8) Need name of Drug administered

9) No crosscode available

10) Frenulectomy 40819

11) Gingivectomy 41820

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Answered on March 23, 2011
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