Is Topical Fluoride Varnish (D1206) appropriate for 80 year olds?

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  • Is Topical Fluoride Varnish (D1206) appropriate for 80 year olds?

Is Topical Fluoride Varnish (D1206) appropriate for 80 year olds?

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Asked on January 21, 2022
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D1206 Fluoride Varnish can be appropriate for any person no matter their age. That being said, most insurances will not pay for adults to have D1206. It is best to communicate to the patient they will likely be responsible for the cost of the D1206. There would be two reasons to apply D1206 to a patient.

1. Full mouth application. The patient must have a moderate to severe caries risk, D0602 or D0603. You usually only do a full mouth application for adult patients that are high risk.

2. D1206 can be applied to that tooth to help with the sensitivity. You would only report D1206 one time for this visit - no matter how many teeth it was applied to. In this situation, if the patient initiates the appointment because of pain and D1206 is used to alleviate the pain it can be coded as D1206 or D9110 for palliative.

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Answered on January 21, 2022
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