Is it possible to get a Gingivectomy paid for non perio reasons? My doctor performs them often to reach decay under the gum line. Thanks for any input!!!

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  • Is it possible to get a Gingivectomy paid for non perio reasons? My doctor performs them often to reach decay under the gum line. Thanks for any input!!!

Is it possible to get a Gingivectomy paid for non perio reasons? My doctor performs them often to reach decay under the gum line. Thanks for any input!!!

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Asked on February 27, 2015
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Answers (1)

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Yes it is possible to receive payment for non-periodontal gingivectomies...however you will first need to check with the carriers utilization review processes for specific guidelines. Second you will need to attach a brief narrative as to why the treatment is "medically necessary" make sure to be specific for each patients situation.

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Answered on February 28, 2015
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