I recently asked about testing but have not yet received an answer. I completed the course this past Spring and have not yet completed the final exam for certification. How do I pay for and access this? Thank you.

  • Ask the Coder
  • I recently asked about testing but have not yet received an answer. I completed the course this past Spring and have not yet completed the final exam for certification. How do I pay for and access this? Thank you.

I recently asked about testing but have not yet received an answer. I completed the course this past Spring and have not yet completed the final exam for certification. How do I pay for and access this? Thank you.

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Asked on October 31, 2016
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Answers (1)

Private answer

You may contact the certification department 800.300.0239 or email support@adcaonline.org
Or you may logon to www.adcaonline.org and select the certification tab select the exam you would like to take and follow the registration process.

Marked as spam
Answered on November 1, 2016
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Attach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: [https://youtu.be/Zkdf3kaso]