I need to know how to code for four wisdom tooth impacted 1,16,17&32 in CMS 1500 form extractions?

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  • I need to know how to code for four wisdom tooth impacted 1,16,17&32 in CMS 1500 form extractions?

I need to know how to code for four wisdom tooth impacted 1,16,17&32 in CMS 1500 form extractions?

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Asked on June 11, 2013
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Answers (1)

Private answer

CPT code 41899 is to be used and listed seperately for each tooth with ICD-9-CM code 520.6.

In box 19 you need to put the dental code along with the tooth number...example
Teeth involved D7230 #1 & #17, D7240 #16 & #32

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Answered on June 12, 2013
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