I have a patient that is 24 years old and has his fathers insurance until age 26. He is now married and his wife has insurance. Does her (wife) insurance become primary and fathers is now secondary? or now that he has his wife’s insurance does that mean he can’t have fathers insurance anymore?

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  • I have a patient that is 24 years old and has his fathers insurance until age 26. He is now married and his wife has insurance. Does her (wife) insurance become primary and fathers is now secondary? or now that he has his wife's insurance does that mean he can't have fathers insurance anymore?

I have a patient that is 24 years old and has his fathers insurance until age 26. He is now married and his wife has insurance. Does her (wife) insurance become primary and fathers is now secondary? or now that he has his wife’s insurance does that mean he can’t have fathers insurance anymore?

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Asked on November 11, 2013
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Answers (1)

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According to insurance guidelines the plan that has been in effect the longest would be the primary plan. If he is still insured and eligible under his fathers plan that plan would be considered primary and his wife's insurance would be secondary.

Now if he is no longer eligible under his father's plan his wife's would then become primary.

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Answered on November 12, 2013
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