Do EOB’s get scanned into a pt’s chart? If so, what is protocol for insurance EOB’s that are returned concerning multiple pt’s?

  • Ask the Coder
  • Do EOB's get scanned into a pt's chart? If so, what is protocol for insurance EOB's that are returned concerning multiple pt's?

Do EOB’s get scanned into a pt’s chart? If so, what is protocol for insurance EOB’s that are returned concerning multiple pt’s?

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Asked on February 5, 2013
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According to HIPAA Explanation of Benefits should not be part of the patients chart, any financial information on the patient should be stored in a seperate area. If your particular software system has a seperate financial area from the chart documentation area then yes, it should be scanned and stored in the patient financial area within the software system.

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Answered on February 6, 2013
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