D0350- Are more and more providers using this code for diagnostic purposes, if so why?

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  • D0350- Are more and more providers using this code for diagnostic purposes, if so why?

D0350- Are more and more providers using this code for diagnostic purposes, if so why?

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Asked on June 28, 2010
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The answer to your question is really a matter of opinion. If you ask the dentist or billing staff the answer would be yes.

D0350 oral/facial photographic images would be used for diagnostic purposes. The reason is simple by taking photographs the dentist is able to map out a clear cut plan and ascessment of the patients needs as well as being able to clearly invision how to correct a problem such as cleft palate, overbite, overjet, facial deformities and more. Furthermore the code is listed under diagnostic services in the CDT 2009-2010 manual.

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Answered on June 29, 2010
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