can insurance companies create their own billing for FMX? the CDT books says usually consist of 14-22 PA’s and BW’s but I’m being told by the dental biller that some insurances want the FMX code when less than 14 x rays are done. I would like clarification if this is ever appropriate to do. thanks.

  • Ask the Coder
  • can insurance companies create their own billing for FMX? the CDT books says usually consist of 14-22 PA's and BW's but I'm being told by the dental biller that some insurances want the FMX code when less than 14 x rays are done. I would like clarification if this is ever appropriate to do. thanks.

can insurance companies create their own billing for FMX? the CDT books says usually consist of 14-22 PA’s and BW’s but I’m being told by the dental biller that some insurances want the FMX code when less than 14 x rays are done. I would like clarification if this is ever appropriate to do. thanks.

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Asked on December 12, 2016
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Answers (1)

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Coding guidelines state 14-22 periapical films including bitewings must be present however, some insurance companies are paying out an FMX when a pano and bitewings are taken. The best course of action is to appeal the claim stating 14-22 films were not present at this visit.

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Answered on January 1, 1970
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