Can D4355 be billed in the same day with D0150 or D0120? Thank you

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  • Can D4355 be billed in the same day with D0150 or D0120? Thank you

Can D4355 be billed in the same day with D0150 or D0120? Thank you

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Asked on June 26, 2012
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This is really a carrier driven question, some carriers will allow the exam to be performed on the same day as the debridement, however most carriers will not.

The code D4355 Debridement is performed when an exam cannot be performed due to poor oral health. Most carriers want the debridement D4355 performed on a seperate day from the exam.

You will need to check with each individual carrier for sepecific guidelines, general rule of thumb do not bill an exam on the same day as a debridement.

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Answered on June 27, 2012
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