Besides a dental hygienist who else can perform D0190 screening of a patient or D0191 assessment of a patient? and if these are billable services, if they are what are the billing requirements? there isn’t much info on these codes in the Dental Coding Guide by Charles Blair DDS.

  • Ask the Coder
  • Besides a dental hygienist who else can perform D0190 screening of a patient or D0191 assessment of a patient? and if these are billable services, if they are what are the billing requirements? there isn't much info on these codes in the Dental Coding Guide by Charles Blair DDS.

Besides a dental hygienist who else can perform D0190 screening of a patient or D0191 assessment of a patient? and if these are billable services, if they are what are the billing requirements? there isn’t much info on these codes in the Dental Coding Guide by Charles Blair DDS.

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Asked on June 16, 2016
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Answers (1)

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The following providers may bill CDT code 0190 MD, NP, RN, and Hygienist.

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Answered on June 17, 2016
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