After a pt has been seen in an OR out-pt setting under general anesthesia for dental treatment, and is then seen back in the private practice two weeks later for a post-operative exam; What is the best CDT code to use? Thank you.

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  • After a pt has been seen in an OR out-pt setting under general anesthesia for dental treatment, and is then seen back in the private practice two weeks later for a post-operative exam; What is the best CDT code to use? Thank you.

After a pt has been seen in an OR out-pt setting under general anesthesia for dental treatment, and is then seen back in the private practice two weeks later for a post-operative exam; What is the best CDT code to use? Thank you.

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Asked on January 25, 2013
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Answers (1)

Private answer

Usually the post operative treatment will be considered inclusive in the primary procedure and therefore not billable. However, if the carrier allows a fee for the post-operative visit you may use D0140 limited oral evaluation.

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Answered on January 26, 2013
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