A patient was scheduled for treatment with a general dentist but a referral was given instead to a pediatric dentist for sedation. OHC and diet were discussed during the office visit, but the notes do not indicate any procedures being completed or attempted. Would this be a correct usage of D9310? Or should another code be used instead? Thank you.

  • Ask the Coder
  • A patient was scheduled for treatment with a general dentist but a referral was given instead to a pediatric dentist for sedation. OHC and diet were discussed during the office visit, but the notes do not indicate any procedures being completed or attempted. Would this be a correct usage of D9310? Or should another code be used instead? Thank you.

A patient was scheduled for treatment with a general dentist but a referral was given instead to a pediatric dentist for sedation. OHC and diet were discussed during the office visit, but the notes do not indicate any procedures being completed or attempted. Would this be a correct usage of D9310? Or should another code be used instead? Thank you.

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Asked on June 24, 2014
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Answers (1)

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D9310 is really used for second opinions or specialty consultations.

Depending on the documentation and detail of the exam the more appropriate code would be either D0140 or D0150. Remember the documentation must support the level of service.

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Answered on June 25, 2014
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